Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Should Public Servants In Powerful Positions of Responsibility, Like the Transportation Secretary be Allowed to Lie With Impunity?

Today widespread disatisfaction with Mass Transportation Secretary Aloisi could be heard from Republicans, newspapers, TV and radio news, not to mention talk shows. At issue is the lack of transparancy, to state it mildly, or more frankly, the lies being told by Aloisi about the ouster of the MBTA's General Manager.

The video above shows Aloisi promising to be truthful going forward, but the Boston Globe published emails between Aloisi and Dan Grabauskas that shows it was in fact Aliosi who pushed for the unpopular fare increase, not the Grabauskas. What has folks truely upset, is that even after Grabauskas came out and explained he opposed the fare increase, Aloisi, and Gov Deval Patrick continued to misinform "We The People" claiming, falsly, that Dan Grabauskas was at fault, when in fact it was Aloisi.

Even as more heads roll at the MBTA, major TV news reports that it is not only the Republicans that want Aloisi out, but prominant Democrats as well. Voters calling in to talk radio are now blaming Gov Patrick, because, most of them point out, deval Patrick should have known who Aloisi was, and what a great manager Graubauskis is.
In addition many critized the Gov for his slander of Grabauskas, blaming him for the two trolly crashes, that investigation determined to be human error and not mismanagement.

We The people need to consider what level of transparancy we are comfortable with, and how many lies and slanders we can tolerate from our elected officials. For myself, I cannot trust those in leadership positions who lie and blame others, unfairly. We need leaders we can trust, because we are also busy doing our jobs, and when we entrust public officials with the peoples business, we do not expect betrayal.

Meanwhile, the toll inequity law suit against the Turnpike Athority is rolling.

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